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Changes to the BYBA Associate Class scope
For 2015, BYBA’s Associate Class scope is changing to allow Associate Bands to either be judged off the Premier or Championship sheets.
This change will allow more flexibility for those bands outside of the current age rules to be judged alongside bands of similar performance levels, rather than having to all be judged off the current Premier Class sheets. "Whilst the scores will still be separated out, it allows comparison across the current class structure", BYBA states on their website.
BYBA has added the shows entries into 2015 contests on their website. So far, fifteen corps and bands have registered for shows on 14th June (North), 21st June (Midlands), 5th July (South), 11th/12th July (Midlands), 13th September (M1 Corridor) and 20th September (Midlands).
DCE judge explains judging process to members of Johan Friso
Last week DCE judge Twan Trienekens visited the horn line of Junior Drum corps Johan Friso from Middelburg. The judge explained to the children how the judging process goes during contests.
The children appeared to find it fun and educational to hear what you do as a judge, how you prepare yourself, what you pay attention to when you run across the field in your black outfit, and what being a judge involves. Last year, fellow judge member Erwin van Gemert also visited some junior corps to talk about his experiences on the field.
DCE offers this opportunity to all junior corps that take part in the European Music Games. Junior corps who are interested can contact DCE at
DCE and DCUK announce line up for DCI SoundSport Bristol
DCE and DCUK have announced the line up for the DCI SoundSport Bristol show. The show will take place on Saturday 21st March 2015 at the Wise Campus in Filton, Bristol.
Participants come from a wide range of backgrounds including Mini Corps, Performance Ensembles, Marching Bands, Brass Bands and Indoor Percussion Ensembles, as well as one or two groups that actually don't fit into any conventional category:
- Blue Barons MC
- Buccaneers MC
- Cinderford Academy
- Essex Marching Corps
- Inbhear Mor PE
- Liberty IPE
- Senators Juniors
- Tin Soldiers
- The X-Men
DCI SoundSport Director John DeNovi said “We are thrilled with not only the number of participating groups in this inaugural SoundSport Bristol event, but also the diversity. It’s always been our vision to create events that bring together ensembles of all shapes, sizes and backgrounds that give performers an exciting new outlet to show off their talents while providing audiences with a unique and fun up-close experience.”
The show will mark another significant event as it will be the first time that a Scottish and Irish Corps have met in competition in 20 years, the last occasion being the DCUK Cumbernauld show in Scotland in 1995. Blue Barons Corps Director Greg Small said “It has been a while but finally the mists are rolling back for the Barons. It’s show time and we are cranking up the intensity of rehearsals to get ourselves in shape for this the inaugural UK SoundSport event."
Further details including ticketing arrangements will be announced shortly.
Color Guard Netherlands judging team goes completely digital
The judging team of Color Guard Netherlands has switched to a fully digital way of publishing scores and comments. The organisation is using the software 'Competition Suite' for this.
The software is already in use at WGI and DCI. CGN is the first organisation in Europe to use this system. Competition Suite allows judges to record both commentary and scores on a tablet. This makes it easier for participants to listen to the judges' comments because they are more readily available and can be listened to over the phone, among other things.
For a while, CGN had been focusing on the various options for handling the scoring process automatically. Burning CDs was also something that the organisation wanted to get rid of. “It is difficult for instructors to listen to this properly during a contest. The experimentation with MP3 files also led to many risks and was a labour-intensive process,” said CGN's Chairman Paul Doop.
According to Doop, the use of the new system at the CGN show in Aalsmeer this weekend was succesful.
DCE Education Spot 2: The use of space on the field
Episode 2 of 'DCE Education Spot', a series of education videos by Drum Corps Europe, is now online. DCE judge Edwin Beens talks about the use of space on the field.
Five new drum corps aim to join DCI’s Open Class in 2015
In a growing resurgence of startup drum corps, five new organisations have applied to join the 2015 Drum Corps International tour as Open Class units.
The prospective groups hail from a variety of regions across the United States including Southwind from Alabama, River City Rhythm from Minnesota, Heat Wave from Florida, Jewel City from West Virginia and Freedom from Oklahoma. The applications of these new groups come on the heels of DCI’s 2014 summer season, which saw one reemerging and six new Open Class drum corps take the field at summer tour events across the country.
“That's an impressive possible twelve drum corps added over two seasons which speaks to a renaissance in the drum corps activity like we have not seen since the 1960s or 1970s”, DCI Open Class Coordinator David Eddleman said. Eddleman elaborated that the startup of these marching music ensembles is likely the result of a number of factors, including an emphasis in Drum Corps International’s business plan to engage as many students as possible in the drum corps experience. This objective has been aided in the past two years by the launch of new DCI-produced programs like DrumLine Battle and SoundSport, which provide new performing groups a logical and low-cost starting place to get involved with the DCI Tour even before becoming Open or World Class drum corps.
This has been the way Southwind, a reboot of the southern DCI corps founded in the early 1980s, has been approaching its return to competition. After seven years of inactivity, a group of the former corps’ alumni came together with a goal of fielding a drum corps once again. The road to that objective started in earnest last summer when the group put together an ensemble to participate in SoundSport events in Huntsville and in Atlanta; both of which are near the corps’ hometown region.
Cadence 2015 production: ‘Cast Away’
In 2015 Cadence Drum & Bugle Corps will perform a show entitled 'Cast Away', taking inspiration from the 2000 Robert Zemeckis film starring Tom Hanks. After a plane crash in the Pacific Ocean ends on a deserted island, experience a range of emotions as the fight to survive and escape results in lives changing forever.
'Cast Away' is presented in four musical and visual movements: 'Dispatch', 'In Transit', 'Exception' and 'Return to Sender', featuring arrangements of the music of Alan Silvestri, David Holsinger, John Ottaman and Bjork, alongside original compositions by Joe Rodwell and Murdoch Wilson. The design team includes Joe Rodwell (brass and front ensemble), Vicki Batley-Spalding (battery percussion), Bobbie Clifford (visual), Ian Bunce and Kayleigh Bicknell (auxiliary).
The instructional staff consists of Dave Stones (Ensemble Music Caption Head), Steve Wood (Visual Staff), Emma Batley-Spalding (Brass Caption Head), Paul Riddell (Brass Staff), Tracey Benn (Percussion Caption Head), Euan Braidwood (Colour Guard Caption Head), Lorraine Sherwood (Colour Guard Staff), Georgia Mann (Choreographer) and Tammy Osborne (Front Ensemble Caption Head). Emma Wade is the drum major, Paul Riddell Corps Manager and Paul Newman is Corps Director.
Videos on WGI Fan Network offline until further notice
Winter Guard International has taken its Fan Network with complete video archive offline until further notice. This can be read on the front page of the WGI Fan Network.
In a short message, Winter Guard International announces that videos of performances can't be streamed at this time: "No Fan Network subscriptions are available at this time. WGI will not providing online streaming performances until further notice."
Late last year, DCI removed 70 videos from the DCI Fan Network because there were problems with the copyrights of the shows in question. It is still unclear whether this is the problem at WGI.
New drum corps in Germany
Germany has gained a new drum corps: The Crescenters Drum & Bugle Corps from Weyhausen. The new corps hopes to start participating in drum corps contests from 2016 onwards.
The Crescenters were formerly known as Fanfarenzug Weyhausen. Last year the corps embarked on a new musical direction and it now wants young people as its main target audience. The new name of the corps is derived from 'crescent', a 'half moon'. The sixteen farms that were the origins of the village of Weyhausen in 1344 formed the shape of a crescent.
The corps is working on a biennial show which will be presented in 2016 at the Rasteder Musiktage and at the German Open. In the long term, the corps aims to participate in the DCE European Championships in Kerkrade. The Crescenters will hold open days on 31st January and 1st February.
Registration for SoundSport Bristol ends this Sunday
There are only a few days left to register to be part of the SoundSport Bristol event taking place on Saturday 21st March. Several units have committed to take part in this ground breaking event on UK soil. Registration ends this Sunday.
The European SoundSport event at Filton College Bristol is a partnership between Drum Corps International, the Kidsgrove Scouts Drum & Bugle Corps, Drum Corps United Kingdom, British Youth Band Association and Drum Corps Europe. There is still time to register for this event which will be held at Filton College Bristol. If your group wants to come along and take part, visit On that page you can download an information package and fill out the registration form.
SoundSport is the ideal platform for smaller performing units using any combination of instrumentation. Shows are 5-7 minutes in length with a focus on music. DCE provides the judges and while there is a competitive element, the emphasis is on fun and entertainment. SoundSport teams consist of five or more members.
If you have any questions, please email DCUK, DCE, or organiser Andy Hewlett directly at
DCI execs will attend first European SoundSport events
Representatives from Drum Corps International will travel to Europe this March to attend the SoundSport Athlone Ireland and SoundSport Bristol England competitive events. DCI CEO and Executive Director Dan Acheson, accompanied by Director of Business Development John DeNovi and other staff, will travel to Ireland and England to support the growth of the SoundSport programme internationally.
SoundSport Athlone Ireland, presented by Sean’s (Ireland’s oldest pub) and the Left Bank, will be the Emerald Isle’s first officially-sanctioned SoundSport event, taking place on Friday 20th March. This instrumental music talent showcase will feature performances by a variety of music ensembles from all over Ireland, including the hometown Ravens Drum & Bugle Corps. The event will take place against the spectacular backdrop of Athlone’s historic castle along the banks of the River Shannon.
“We’re looking forward to an exciting night of entertainment,” said Colm Bolger, the organiser of SoundSport Athlone Ireland. “This event will kick off a series of SoundSport events in Ireland which will bring a wide variety of Irish performing arts groups together in a way that’s never been done before. We’re very excited to be part of the growth SoundSport is experiencing worldwide.”
SoundSport Bristol England will take place in the evening of Saturday 21st March, at the Sports Hall of SGS College in Filton, Bristol. The event will start at 7.30 pm GMT and will feature a growing number of performing ensembles to be announced in the coming week.
“We have received a lot of interest from groups wishing to take part in this ground breaking event,” said Andy Hewlett, the organiser of SoundSport Bristol England. “Ensembles which haven’t performed in the United Kingdom in over 20 years have contacted us to participate and this is as exciting for us as it will be for them. Registration for the event closes on Sunday so we should be able to announce the full list of participating groups next week. I would like to thank DCI for their support in this new venture and I look forward to welcoming their staff to Bristol.”
“We are thrilled to be able to attend these exciting events”, said DCI’s Dan Acheson, who last visited Europe in 2010. “SoundSport was created to provide new, exciting performance opportunities in interesting locations around the world to musicians of all ages and backgrounds. We are very pleased to see the international marching arts community embracing this programme with such great passion and enthusiasm.”
DCI's new SoundSport program showcases performance ensembles of 5 or more members of any age and with any instrumentation in unique live and online performance opportunities. For more information (and registration) on SoundSport Bristol, please visit
Inbhear Mór to perform at DCI SoundSport Bristol
The Inbhear Mór Performance Ensemble from Arklow - Ireland will perform at the SoundSport show in the United Kingdom. The event is held in Bristol on Saturday 21st March.
The corps from Arklow - Co. Wicklow in South East Ireland (formerly known as the Inbhear Mór Marchers) that competes primarily on the IMBA circuit also has a long standing relationship with DCUK, BYBA and DCE having performed at many UK and European shows in previous years. SoundSport Bristol marks the corps first ever performance at a DCI event.
"As we are a small drum corps, we feel that this is the perfect opportunity for us to showcase what we do on an international stage", the corps states. "We look forward to returning to the UK and introducing ourselves to the DCI SoundSport circuit."
European Individuals and Ensembles again at IPE Championships
On the day of the IPE European Championships, Indoor Percussion Europe will reserve time for brave soloists and small ensembles to present themselves to the judges and audience. Registration is now open.
The largest indoor percussion day in Europe, on Sunday 29th March in Wevelgem, will once again be given an extra dimension this year by adding an 'Individuals & Ensembles' competition. The Individuals category include snare drum, multiple tenor drum, percussion keyboard, timpani and multiple percussion. The Ensembles category contains bass drum ensembles, cymbal ensembles and percussion ensembles.
You can register now at
Partners of the European Music Games share ideas at yearly meeting
Board members of the organisations collaborating within the European Music Games met on Saturday in the Belgian town of Zwevegem. A large number of topics were discussed, including the strategy for the coming years.
The European partners have regular contact throughout the year, but in the summer season they especially focus on 'current affairs' and there is little time to hold extensive discussions on policy and strategy. That is why the organisations got together in the corps home of Showband Calypso in Zwevegem. "None of us are 'meeting fanatics', but it is good to take the time each year to share experiences, to look back at what went well and what did not, and to make plans for the near and distant future", says DCE chairman Marcel Matthijsse.
As always, the future of the European Music Games was a key topic. "We mainly look at plans to make our activity more attractive to participants and audience", said Matthijsse. "There are various plans to put the European Music Games in the spotlight for both existing fans and new audiences, such as having more corps participate at EMG shows in other countries, and adding new ideas to the competition."
The IPE Championships are moving to new venue
Indoor Percussion Europe has announced a new location for the IPE Championships. A contract has been signed with event hall De Schelp in Wevelgem - Belgium.
De Schelp is a famous hall for Flemish music fans. Various editions of the Vlamo Marching & Show Contest, including the 2014 edition, took place in this well-equipped hall, and Indoor Percussion Europe itself was once a guest here. IPE has asked participants what their requirements are in terms of facilities, and this led to them choosing De Schelp.
The hall has a large stand, proper warm-up facilities and enough dressing rooms for the participating groups. The event, the biggest indoor percussion event in Europe, will be held on Sunday 29th March.
The Tin Soldiers attend DCI SoundSport Bristol event
The Tin Soldiers from Sheffield have announced its attendance at the DCI Soundsport event in Bristol on Saturday 21st March. With the Tin Soldiers, three groups have already registered for the event on 21st March.
Sheffield has a rich history of Drum Corps and music in general. The Tin Soldiers are looking to add to that. They are an alumni of all Sheffield based drum corps from the past and present: Concord, Jordanaires, Vulcans, Forgemen, Shades of Blue, Arrows and Sheffield Corps of Drums.
They recently performed at their first public appearance alongside Concord Allstars (Juniors) and the Concord Seniors, and the group's mission statement is: "Have fun and be awesome." Their show is called 'Beg, Borrow, Steal'.
"It's been nearly 30 years since some of our members have played a brass instruments so as you can imagine our chops were and are still very rusty. We have got to where we are today by begging, borrowing and ermm hard work. Instruments from all over the place and music from where we can get it, hence our very short initial programme for Bristol."
Their theme is 'This is what we have and this is what we are playing!'. "We will be performing 'This Masquerade' - a classic alumni piece with no deep meaning whatsoever as well as the classic 'God Bless the Child'. Short squealy and chop busting and if we can find another suitable piece we will give it a go. We are nailing the first part of our mission statement, the second part will come with time."
The registration form and an information package of the European SoundSport event can be found at
Launch of The Knights Percussion Ensemble
Today, the Knights Academy of Music and Performing Arts will launch The knights Percussion Ensemble. Also a partnership with the company Field and Floor FX has been announced.
The Knights Percussion Ensemble will be using different musical styles and a variety of percussive instrumentation to make some fun performance pieces for everyone to enjoy. The launch is today at the Knights HQ. Everyone is welcome, regardless of ability or age.
The Knights Academy also announced its official visual partnership with Field and Floor FX from Pennsylvania. Field and Floor FX has been supporting the Marching Arts since their inception in 2010. With over 30 years of experience, Doug Gardner, director of Field and Floor FX and his team work with member groups in DCI, BOA, WGI and many more associations within the US.
The Black Knights are pleased to be in discussions with Doug and his team with regard to this years’ production. Member of the 2015 design staff says: "I cannot wait to see what can be developed with Field and Floor FX to bring the Black Knights 2015 performance 'London Calling' to life. Doug Gardner from Field and Floor FX added: "I love the people I work with and I love helping people make their visions and dreams bigger than they could’ve imagined. We are very excited to work with The Black Knights and bring the FX magic to the UK."
Kidsgrove Scouts to embrace SoundSport
The Kidsgrove Scouts will use the new venture from DCI, SoundSport, to increase performance and design opportunities for members. The corps will feature an ensemble at the SoundSport Bristol event on Saturday 21st March.
SoundSport events showcase instrumental ensembles of any instrumentation and any skill level all year-round, spotlighting their unique talents and creativity like never before. Kidsgrove Scouts Corps Director Rob Swindells commented: "We have experienced members within our ranks who are capable arrangers and designers. Likewise we also have younger members who are after as many different performance opportunities as possible. SoundSport is something that will work well for us in developing these needs."
Kidsgrove Scouts will preview their first production, 'Bond' at the UK's first SoundSport event in Bristol on Saturday 21 March 2015. The show will feature iconic music from the Bond films including 'You Know My Name', 'Welcome to Cuba' and 'Skyfall'. Kidsgrove Scouts SoundSport Co-ordinator Kris Nock said: "I'm delighted to announce that Kidsgrove Scouts will be taking part in this event in Bristol. This is an exciting new venture for Kidsgrove Scouts and we look forward to presenting our programme."
"SoundSport is delighted to partner with Kidsgrove Scouts on this exciting new program", said John DeNovi, Senior Director, Business Development for Drum Corps International. "It's a driving force in DCI’s efforts to grow the drum corps activity from the ground up while bringing diverse cultures together through music. We believe Kidsgrove Scouts is the ideal partner to help launch the concept in the UK."
Teams interested in taking part and spectators who’d like to attend can find out more information at The registration form and information for the SoundSport Bristol event are available at The Bristol event now also has its own Facebook page with updates.
Fans want DCI Championships back on TV
The DCI Championships must be broadcast on television again. This opinion has been expressed by more than 45,000 drum corps fans who signed a petition for this.
In the 80s and 90s, part of the DCI Championships was broadcast live on TV by the American Public Broadcaster PBS. The programme later moved to the commercial sports channel ESPN. In 2007, Drum Corps International announced that the highly expensive TV broadcasts would be stopped.
The petition is addressed to the CBS Sports channel and was initiated following the statement by sports presenter Jim Rome from CBS, who called members of marching bands 'dorks' in a Twitter post. "Calling band kids 'dorks' and insulting them to over 1.3 million follwers is not how we would expect a grown man to act", the petition states. "In response, we would like a chance for Drum Corps International's World Championship Finals to be aired on CBS this fall."
At the time this was written, the counter is on 45,666 signatures. You can find the petition here.
New equipment truck for the Heartliner
The Heartliner from Ludwigshafen - Germany are mobile again as of this month. The corps will soon have a new truck for their instruments.
The disastrous explosion at BASF in October caused irreparable damage to Heartliner’s previous truck, and as a result the club had to look for a replacement. This replacement has now been found. With the cooperation of the company Eschen Nutzfahrzeuge from Stuhr (near Bremen), the Heartliner can now transport their instruments once again.
The new purchase will be delivered later this month.